
At ARCLINE LLC, we offer an affiliate program to individuals and organizations who wish to promote our products and earn commission on sales generated through their referral links. We value our affiliate partners and strive to maintain a mutually beneficial relationship with them. Our affiliate program is governed by the following policies:


To be eligible for our affiliate program, you must have a website or social media platform related to video games or technology, and comply with our terms and conditions. We reserve the right to reject applications for any reason.


We offer a commission rate of 10% on all qualifying sales generated through your referral links. Commission is paid monthly via PayPal, provided that the minimum payout threshold of $50 is met.

Referral Links

We provide unique referral links to our affiliates that track clicks and sales generated through their promotion. Affiliates are responsible for ensuring that their referral links are properly displayed and functional on their website or social media platform.

Prohibited Activities

Affiliates are prohibited from engaging in the following activities:

  • Spamming or sending unsolicited emails to promote ARCLINE LLC products
  • Using misleading or deceptive advertising methods
  • Promoting our products on websites or social media platforms that contain illegal, obscene, or offensive content


We reserve the right to terminate an affiliate's participation in our program for any reason, including violation of our policies or failure to generate sales within a six-month period.


We reserve the right to modify or terminate our affiliate program at any time without notice.

Contact Us

If you have any questions or concerns regarding our affiliate program or policies, please contact us. We are committed to maintaining a positive and productive relationship with our affiliate partners and are happy to assist with any inquiries you may have.